Manuscripts submitted
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Only manuscripts submitted in English, Spanish, or German, which have never been previously published, will be accepted for publication. In the event that the contribution is accepted for publication the author cedes the manuscript copyright to mexicon.
The total length of the manuscript should not exceed 20,000 characters with up to ten illustrations.
Research notes are also welcome. They should not exceed 12,000 characters.
The following must be included with submission of your manuscript:
- First page: Title of your article, name of author(s), and name and address of the author’s institution.
- Second and following pages: Main body of text, provided with section titles if necessary.
- New page: Acknowledgements.
- New page: Endnotes.
- New page: Bibliography / References cited.
- New page: Abstracts (English and Spanish).
- Separate pages: Illustrations, tables, and their captions.
All illustrations should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text.
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The digital files must conform to the following resolutions and sizes:
a) for line drawings: 600 dpi; 175 mm width;
b) for photographs: grayscale (8-bit); 300 dpi; 175 mm width.
In case of vector graphics you may also submit the original files (Adobe Illustrator etc.) or eps-files.
General instructions for style
Text subheadings should be used to facilitate reading of the article. Subheadings are limited to two levels: underlined and not underlined. Do not number headings.
For English texts use either English or American spelling consistently: Oxford or Webster’s dictionary.
Avoid abbreviations whenever possible.
Within English texts it is costumary to use accents for Spanish personal names, but not to use accents for geographical names. In the case of German personal names do not replace umlauts.
Incorporate direct quotations within the text if they take up less than five lines. If a direct quote occupies five or more type-written lines, set off this quotation from the main text as a block quotation. Use quotation marks and indicate the exact source of the quote.
Use italics to designate words and uncommon terms from a language other than your text lan-guage. This includes biological and zoological generic terms.
Write out the cardinal numbers zero to ten as words. Use Arabic numbers in your text for all numbers greater than ten.
Use the metric system of weights and measures, with accepted abbreviations for units of length (mm; cm; m; km), surface area (m2; km2), volume (cm3; m3), and weight (mg; g; kg).
All manuscripts must be accompanied by abstracts in English and Spanish; if possible, add a German abstract too.
All illustrations of objects, maps and stratigraphic drawings must be accompanied by a graphic metric scale. Maps should also show orientation in the cartographic grid and the (magnetic) north.
Instructions for citation and bibliography
The author of the contribution is responsible for the correctness and completeness of his text citations and bibliography. All authors and works cited within the main body of the manuscript must also appear in the bibliography.
If a DOI exists of a cited work, please include it in the bibliography.
Style Guide for texts in English
Reference list entries (in alphabetical order)
One author:
Adams, Richard E.W.
1971 The Ceramics of Altar de Sacrificios. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, 63, no. 1. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
More authors:
Hofling, Charles Andrew, and Félix Fernando Tesucún
1997 Itzaj Maya-Spanish-English Dictionary. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
Edited book:
Ianonne, Gyles, ed.
2014 The Great Maya Droughts in Cultural Context. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
Richard R. Wilk, and Wendy Ashmore, eds.
1988 Household and Community in the Mesoamerican Past. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
In-text citations
(Hofling and Tesucún 1997: 12)
(Adams 1971: 315–316)
(Ianonne 2014: 101–103)
Chapter of an edited book
Reference list entry
Graham, Elizabeth A.
1987 “Terminal Classic to Early Historic Period Vessels Forms from Belize.” In Maya Ceramics: Papers from the 1985 Maya Ceramic Conference, edited by Prudence M. Rice, and Robert J. Sharer, 73–98. BAR International Series 345(i). Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
In-text citations
(Graham 1987: 75)
Translated book
Reference list entry
Coe, Michael
1977 Die Maya. Translated by Ulrike Schmidt and Peter Schmidt. Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Lübbe.
In-text citation
(Coe 1977: 56)
Journal article
Reference list entry
Prem, Hanns, and Nicholas P. Dunning
2004 “Investigations at Hunto Chac, Yucatan.” Mexicon 24: 26–36.
Andrews, Bradford
2004 “Sayil Revisited: Inferring Terminal Classic Population Size and Dynamics in the West-Central Yucatán Peninsula.” Human Ecology 32: 593–613.
Maler, Teobert
1895 “Yukatekische Forschungen.” Globus 68, no. 16: 247–259.
In-text citation
(Prem and Dunning 2004: 27)
(Bradford 2004: 600)
(Maler 1895: 250)
Thesis or dissertation
Reference list entry
Ishihara-Brito, Reiko
2007 “Bridging the Chasm Between Religion and Politics: Archaeological Investigations of The Grietas at the Late Classic Maya Site of Aguateca, Peten, Guatemala.” PhD diss., University of California, Riverside.
In-text citation
(Ishihara-Brito 2007: 127)
Website content
Reference list entry
Werness, Maline
2007 Pabellon Molded-Carved Ceramics. FAMSI: (16.09.2005)
In-text citation
(Werness 2007)
Personal communication
In-text citation
(Guido Krempel, personal communication, 11.05.2020)
Reference list entry
Stanton, Travis W., and Tómas Gallareta Negrón
2007 “Proyecto Xocnaceh: 1ª temporada de campo marzo-julio 2002.” Technical report submitted to the Consejo de Arqueología del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México, D.F. Unpublished manuscript.
In-text citation
(Stanton and Gallareta Negrón 2007: 16)
Reference list entry
Mónica Pacheco
2016 “La Mixteca Alta en el siglo XVI: el Contexto histórico del Lienzo Seler II.” Presentation, XIX. Mesoamerika-Tagung, Berlin, 16.01.2016.
In-text citation
(Pacheco 2016)