Verlag Anton Saurwein
Gatterburgstr. 15
D-80689 München
Publishing list
Bodil Liljefors Persson, Harri Kettunen and Christophe Helmke (eds.): Maya Religion and History. Proceedings of the 22nd European Maya Conference, Malmö, December 11–16, 2017. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 31, 2023, 253 pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-30-4, EURO 78,00
Kettunen, Harri, Christophe Helmke, Felix Kupprat and Rosa-Maria Worm Danbo (eds.):
Post-Apocalypto: Crisis and Resilience in the Maya World. Proceedings of the 18th European Maya Conference, Brussels, October 28 – November 2, 2013. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 30, 2022, 153 pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-29-0, EURO 58,00
Vonk, Thomas:
Nahuatl Writing2 in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis: Writing1 History in a Sixteenth Century Aztec Manuscript. Fuentes Mesoamericanas, Vol. 7, 2020, ix+199 pp., num. ills., incl. sign catalogues of name and place glyphs in colour, cloth, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-931419-90-8, EURO 80,00
Bodil Liljefors Persson, Harri Kettunen and Christophe Helmke (eds.):
Maya Religion and History. Proceedings of the 22nd European Maya Conference, Malmö, December 11–16, 2017. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 31, 2023, 253 pp., cloth, size 21×29,5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-30-4, EURO 78,00
Harri Kettunen, Christophe Helmke, Felix Kupprat and Rosa-Maria Worm Danbo (eds.)
Post-Apocalypto: Crisis and Resilience in the Maya World. Proceedings of the 18th European Maya Conference, Brussels, October 28 – November 2, 2013. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 30, 2022, 153 pp., cloth, size 21×29,5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-29-0, EURO 58,00
Kováč, Milan, Harri Kettunen, and Guido Krempel (eds.)
Maya Cosmology: Terrestrial and Celestial Landscapes. Proceedings of the 19th European Maya Conference, Bratislava, November 17–22, 2014. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 29, 2019, viii+249 pp., num. colour and b/w ills., tabs., maps, cloth, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-931419-28-2, EURO 75,00
Kettunen, Harri, and Christophe Helmke (eds.) and Rosa-Maria Worm Danbo (ed. assistant)
On Methods: How we know what we think we know about the Maya. Proceedings of the 17th European Maya Conference, Helsinki, December 9-15, 2012. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 28, 2015, vi+132 pp., cloth, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-931419-27-4, EURO 50,00
Helmke, Christophe, and Frauke Sachse (eds.)
A Celebration of the Life and Work of Pierre Robert Colas. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 27, 2014, vi+399 pp., num. colour and b/w ills., tabs., maps, cloth, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-931419-26-6, EURO 50,00
Nielsen, Jesper, and Christophe Helmke (eds.)
The Maya in a Mesoamerican Context Comparative Approaches to Maya Studies. Proceedings of the 16th European Maya Conference, Copenhagen, December 5-10, 2011. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 26, 2013, 208pp., 20 colour ill., 64 b/w ill., tabs., maps, cloth, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-931419-25-8, EURO 65,00
Gronemeyer, Sven
The Monuments and Inscriptions of Tamarindito, Peten, Guatemala. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 25, 2013, iv+119pp., cloth, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-931419-24-X, EURO 50,00
Nondédéo, Philippe, and Alain Breton (eds.)
Maya Daily Lives. Proceedings of the 13th European Maya Conference, Paris, Dec. 5-6, 2008. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 24, 2012, vi+206pp., cloth, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-931419-23-1, EURO 60,00
Isendahl, Christian and Bodil Liljefors Persson (eds.)
Ecology, Power, and Religion in Maya Landscapes. Proceedings of the 11th European Maya Conference, Malmö, December 2006. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 23, 2011, 236pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-19-X, EURO 60.00
van Broekhoven, Laura, Rogelio Valencia Rivera, Benjamin Vis and Frauke Sachse (eds.)
The Maya and their Neighbours: Internal and External Contacts Through Time. Proceedings of the 10th European Maya Conference, Leiden, December 9–10, 2005. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 22, 2010, 149pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-18-5, EURO 50.00
Merk, Stephan
The Long Silence. Sabana Piletas and its Neighbours: An Archaeological Survey of Maya Puuc Ruins in Northeastern Campeche, Mexico. With contributions by Antonio Benavides Castillo, Daniel Graña-Behrens, Nikolai Grube, Karl Herbert Mayer, Carlos Pallán Gayol and Julie Patrois. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 21, 2010, 355pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-17-7, EURO 80.00
Le Fort, Geneviève, Raphael Gardiol, Sebastian Matteo and Christophe Helmke (eds.)
The Maya and their Sacred Narratives: Text and Context in Maya Mythologies.12th European Maya Conference: Geneva, December 2007. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 20, 2009, vi+205pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-16-9, EURO 60.00
Sachse, Frauke (ed.)
Maya Ethnicity: The Construction of Ethnic Identity from Preclassic to Modern Times. 9th European Maya Conference: Bonn, December 2004. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 19, 2006, vi+267pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-10-X, EUR 62,00
Valencia Rivera, Rogelio, and Geneviève LeFort (eds.)
Sacred Books, Sacred Languages: Two Thousand Years of Ritual and Religious Maya Literature. 8th European Maya Conference: Madrid, November 2003. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 18, 2006, viii+225pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-14-2, EUR 58,00
Gronemeyer, Sven
The Maya Site of Tortuguero, Tabasco, Mexico: Its History and Inscriptions. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 17, 2006, viii+209pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-13-4, EUR 56,00
Colas, Pierre R., Geneviève LeFort, Bodil Liljefors Persson (eds.)
Jaws of the Underworld: Life, Death and Rebirth Among the Ancient Maya. 7th European Maya Conference: The British Museum, London, November 2002. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 16, 2006, ix+116pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-12-6, EUR 45,00
Colas, Pierre R.
Sinn und Bedeutung klassischer Maya-Personennamen. Typologische Analyse von Anthropo-nymphrasen in den Hieroglypheninschriften der klassischen Maya-Kultur als Beitrag zur Allgemeinen Onomastik. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 15, 2004, xxxv+433pp., cloth, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-931419-11-8, EUR 78,00 (including 25pp. English summary, and database with 2800 entries on CD)
Graña Behrens, Daniel, Nikolai Grube, Christian M. Prager, Frauke Sachse, Stefanie Teufel, Elisabeth Wagner (eds.)
Continuity and Change: Maya Religious Practices in Temporal Perspective. 5th European Maya Conference:University 2004 of Bonn, December 2000. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 14, 2003, viii+232pp., cloth, size 21×29.5 cm, ISBN 3-931419-10-X, EUR 56,00
Scherres, Hedda E.
Wir opfern für das Leben. Studien zu Opferritualen und zur Lebenswelt der Xonakatekos in Mexiko. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 13, 2003, 291pp., cloth, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-931419-09-6, EUR 58,00
Hostettler, Ueli, and Matthew Restall (eds.)
Maya Survivalism. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 12, 2001, xiv+325pp., cloth, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-931419-06-1, out of print
Gabriel, Marianne
Rituale der Maya. Elemente und Struktur agrarischer Zeremonien und deren Bedeutung für die Mayabauern Ost-Yukatans. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 11, 2000, vi+363pp., cloth, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-931419-05-3, out of print
Colas, Pierre R., Kai Delvendahl, Marcus Kuhnert, Annette Schubart (eds.)
The Sacred and the Profane. Architecture and Identity in the Maya Lowlands. 3rd European Maya Conference, University of Hamburg, November 1998. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 10, 2000, viii+220pp., ills., maps, cloth, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-931419-04-5, out of print
Gubler, Ruth, and Ueli Hostettler (eds.)
The Fragmented Present: Mesoamerican Societies Facing Modernization. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 9, Second, revised Edition 2002, xiv+180 pp., ills., maps, cloth, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-931419-02-9, out of print
Grube, Nikolai (ed.)
The Emergence of Lowland Maya Civilization: The Transition from the Preclassic to the Early Classic. A Conference at Hildesheim, Germany, November 1992. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 8, 1995, vii+194 pp., ills., maps, cloth, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3- 931419-01-0, EUR 48,00
Prem, Hanns J. (ed.)
Hidden Among Hills: Maya Archaeology of the Northwestern Yucatan Peninsula. Contributions of the International Maler- Symposium, Bonn 1990. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 7, 1993, viii+436 pp., ills., maps, softcover, size 21×29,5 cm, ISBN 3-924332-09-6, EUR 68,00, (second edition 1998)
Göbel, Barbara
Die Anfänge des Bodenbaus in Mesoamerika und Südamerika: Quellenkritik und Analyse von Erklärungsmodellen. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 6, 1993, 466pp., ills., cloth, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-924335-10-X, out of print
Saurwein, Anton
Tepanekische Hegemonie und frühe aztekische Expansion: Historische Erkenntnisse mit Hilfe glyphischer Quellen. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 5, 1998, ix+180pp., ills., cloth, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-931419-00-2, EUR 48,00
Dyckerhoff, Ursula, und Hanns J. Prem
Toponyme und Ethnonyme im Klassischen Aztekischen. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 4, 1990, ix + 102 pp., 14 tabs. and figs., softcover, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-924332-06-1, EUR 45,00
Grube, Nikolai
Die Entwicklung der Mayaschrift: Grundlagen zur Erforschung des Wandels der Mayaschrift von der Protoklassik bis zur spanischen Eroberung. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 3, 1990, xiii + 156 pp., 29 figs., 4 tabs., 50 pls., softcover, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3- 924332-05-3, out of print
Treiber, Hannelore
Studien zur Katunserie der Pariser Mayahandschrift. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 2, 1987, 99 pp., 4 figs., 45 tabs., 10 b/w pls., softcover, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-924332-03-7, out of print
Hinz, Eike
Discursos en Mexicano: Alltagsleben am Hof von Tetzcoco in vorspanischer und frühkolonialer Zeit. Acta Mesoamericana, Vol. 1, 1987, 159 pp., 12 b/w pls., softcover, size 21×29,5cm, ISBN 3-924332-02-9, out of print
Vonk, Thomas
Nahuatl Writing2 in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis: Writing1 History in a Sixteenth Century Aztec Manuscript. Fuentes Mesoamericanas, Vol. 7, 2020, ix+199 pp., num. ills., incl. sign catalogues of name and place glyphs in colour, cloth, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-931419-90-8, EURO 80,00
Bock, Claudia
Fray Francisco Ximénez und das Popol Vuh. Transkription und Analyse traditioneller Mythen der K’iche’. Fuentes Mesoamericanas, Vol. 6, 2013, 250pp., 22 ill., 1 CD, cloth, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-931419-89-4, EURO 80,00
Sachse, Frauke (ed.)
Manuel Maldonado de Matos: Arte de la lengua szinca. Estudio introductorio y edición del texto. Fuentes Mesoamericanas, Vol. 5, 2004, 138pp., cloth, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3–931419–22–3, EUR 45.00
Ahrndt, Wiebke (ed.)
Edición Crítica de la Relación de la Nueva España y de la Breve y Sumaria Relación escritas por Alonso de Zorita. Ed. por Wiebke Ahrndt, traducción: Luis Felipe Segura. Fuentes Mesoamericanas, Vol. 4, 2001, 357pp., cloth, size 21×27cm, INAH Mexico/Universidad de Bonn/Markt Schwaben, ISBN 3–931419–82–7, EUR 45.00
Ruhnau, Elke (ed.)
Domingo de San Antón Muñon Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin Diferentes Historias Originales. Aus dem Nahuatl übersetzt, kommentiert und herausgegeben von Elke Ruhnau. Fuentes Mesoamericanas, Vol. 3, 2001, 2 vols.: 310+405pp., cloth, size 21×29.5cm, 2001, ISBN 3–931419–83–5, EUR 120.00
Klaus, Susanne (trans.)
Anales de Tlatelolco. Los manuscritos 22 y 22bis de la Bibliothèque de France. Transcripción y Traducción por Susanne Klaus. Fuentes Mesoamericanas, Vol. 2, 1999, 201pp., softcover, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3–931419–81–9, EUR 40.00
Vayhinger-Scheer, Temis (ed.)
Fray Andrés de Avendaño y Loyola. Relación de las dos entradas que hice a la conversión de los gentiles ytzáex, y cehaches. Fuentes Mesoamericanas, Vol. 1, 1997, xviii+84pp., maps, softcover, size 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3–931419–80–0, EURO 30,00
No. 1, 1990 (out of print)
Mayer, Karl Herbert
The Stelae and Inscriptions of Sacul, Guatemala. 22pp., 23 b/w photographs, softcover, 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-924332-07-X.
No. 2, 1994 (out of print)
Mayer, Karl Herbert
Maya Inscriptions from Hobomo, Campeche, Mexico. 34pp., 17 b/w photographs, softcover, 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-924332-15-0
No. 3, 1995 (out of print)
Vayhinger-Scheer, Temis (ed.)
Fray Andrés de Avendaño y Loyola: Relación… Now available as Fuentes Mesoamericanas, Vol. 1
No. 4, 1997
Siis Ib’ooy, Nikt’e María J. & Frauke Sachse
K’ichee’ Achi. Grammatikübersicht und Vokabular. Vol. 4, 1997, 157pp., 21×29.5cm, ISBN 3-931419-21-5. € 21,00
Vol. 3, 1984 (out of print)
Mayer, Karl Herbert
Maya Monuments: Sculptures of Unknown Provenance in Middle America. 122 pp. text, 205 full-page b/w plates, featuring 257 illustrations (244 photographs, 10 drawings, 3 rubbings), softcover, size 21 x 29.5 cm, ISBN 3-924332-00-2
Vol. 4, 1987
Mayer, Karl Herbert
Maya Monuments: Sculptures of Unknown Provenance, Supplement 1. 62 pp. text, 204 full-page b/w plates, featuring 261 illustrations (240 photographs, 21 drawings), softcover, size 21 x 29.5 cm, ISBN 3-924332-01-0. € 69,00
Vol. 5, 1989
Mayer, Karl Herbert
Maya Monuments: Sculptures of Unknown Provenance, Supplement 2. 64 pp. text, 196 full-page b/w plates, featuring 244 illustrations (184 photographs, 50 drawings, 10 rubbings), softcover, size 21 x 29.5 cm, ISBN 3-924332-04-5. € 43,00
Vol. 6, 1991
Mayer, Karl Herbert (out of print)
Maya Monuments: Sculptures of Unknown Provenance, Supplement 3. 89 pp. text, 241 full-page b/w plates, featuring 320 illustrations (262 photographs, 51 drawings, 7 rubbings), softcover, size 21 x 29.5 cm, ISBN 3-924332-08-8
Vol. 7, 1995
Mayer, Karl Herbert
Maya Monuments: Sculptures of Unknown Provenance, Supplement 4. 113 pp. text, 268 full-page b/w plates, featuring 360 illustrations (263 photographs, 93 drawings, 4 rubbings), softcover, size 21 x 29.5 cm, ISBN 3-901519-01-7. € 72,00
No. 1, 1997
Mayer, Karl Herbert
Maya Miscellaneous Texts in British Museums. 44 pp. text, 24 figs. (11 b/w photographs, 13 drawings), softcover, size 21 x 29.5 cm, Graz. ISBN 3-901519-04-1 €
Mayer, Karl Herbert
The Hieroglyphic Stairway 1 at Edzna, Campeche, Mexico
This is the first and complete documentation of the Late Classic Hieroglyphic Stairway 1 at Edzna. All Maya glyphs are represented in to-scale black-and-white photographs and corresponding line drawings. In addition, three inscribed limestone panels, Edzna Miscellaneous Sculptures 6, 7, and 9, attributed to this stairway, are described and illustrated. The line drawings were created by Sven Gronemeyer, University of Bonn, Germany. This is a strictly limited edition.
44 pp.: 23 pp. text, 2 maps, 1 plan, 1 diagram, 82 b/w photographs, 77 line drawings, soft cover, size 21 x 29.5 cm, Graz. ISBN 3-901519-15-7. 2004.
Out of print